Louise Belcher is a never nude. Just with her bunny ears.
Did it really snow if the snow is not there at the end of the day?
Odd (or ironic?) that esoteric is an esoteric word.
Marshall Matters
“Rapertoire” should replace the term “discography” for certain artists.
The Gap
THE GAP by Ira Glass from Daniel Sax on Vimeo.
Kygo – Firestone
Dirty Little Secret
The worst math grade I’ve ever gotten was a “B.” Not even a “B+”, it’s just a plain old “B.”
It happened many years ago at a school called Florida State University, where I was taking numerical linear algebra. Somehow, I completely fluked the final.
Looking back, this was almost expected. I didn’t start studying until 3 hours before the exam. I recall that I got over 2 standard deviations above the mean on the first two exams and though I can just depend on the average. Little did I know that this final was more than the previous 2 exams combined…
Whelp, that’s my dirty little secret.