May It Never Come

One began to hear it said that World War I was the chemists’ war,

World War II was the physicists’ war,

World War III (may it never come) will be the mathematicians’ war.


Little solace comes

to those who grieve

when thoughts keep drifting

as walls keep shifting

and this great blue world of ours

seems a house of leaves

moments before the wind.


Huh? This doesn’t compute…

We are 3 CS majors looking for more students with C experience to join the group

Airplane Conversation

Me: so who are you going to Vegas with?
Him: actually funny story. My buddy just turned 21 and he bought tickets for his girlfriend and himself, but they broke up 2 days ago. So basically I got a free ticket here.
Me: haha, so you are a rebound brofriend?
Him: well, I am gay hahaha
Me: hahaha etc.
