A Toy Truck

Some idiot posted on Craigslist with a wrong number. Now I’m getting texts with people thinking I’m selling a truck. I’m not.

First sign:

Could you take $900.00?
What does that even mean? I replied “wrong number.” It became more clear with the second text:
Still have the truck? What’s your bottom dollar and is there any issues
Can you send some more pics
Oh. Apparently people think I’m selling a vehicle… Third guy is a bit persistent:

Is the toy still 4 sale. How many miles on engine and what kind of tires. Thx
Did u sell the toyota.
Im working but can call u on break.

Later, he even sent me a voicemail. Finally, I found out the culprit when someone used an app to text me directly from CList.

Are you interested in trading for a jet ski

Finally, I get a better offer:

I’ll trade you a AR 15 for your Toyota truck.

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